Provinces in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is divided into 10 provinces. Here is a list of all the provinces in Zimbabwe:

Provinces in Zimbabwe

  1. Bulawayo
  2. Harare
  3. Manicaland
  4. Mashonaland Central
  5. Mashonaland East
  6. Mashonaland West
  7. Masvingo
  8. Matabeleland North
  9. Matabeleland South
  10. Midlands

Quick Facts

Category Quick Facts
Location Located in southern Africa, bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west and southwest, Mozambique to the east and northeast, and Zambia to the northwest.
Capital Harare
Official Languages English, Shona, and Sindebele
Population Approximately 15 million as of 2021 estimate
Area Approximately 390,757 square kilometers (150,872 square miles)
Geography Diverse landscapes including the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, the Great Zimbabwe ruins, and the Eastern Highlands.
Independence From British colonial rule on April 18, 1980
Government Republic with a presidential system
Currency United States Dollar (USD) and South African Rand (ZAR) are commonly used
Notable Places Great Zimbabwe National Monument, Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park, Matobo National Park
Official Website [Official Government Portal of Zimbabwe](


What is the historical significance of the Great Zimbabwe National Monument?

The Great Zimbabwe ruins are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of an ancient civilization. They consist of impressive stone structures that date back to the 11th century.

Can you visit Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe?

Yes, Victoria Falls is a popular tourist destination, and the town of Victoria Falls is one of the primary gateways to view this natural wonder.

Is wildlife tourism popular in Zimbabwe?

Yes, Zimbabwe is known for its national parks, including Hwange National Park and Matobo National Park, where you can go on safaris to see a variety of wildlife.