Regions in Eswatini

Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, is divided into 4 regions. Here is a list of all the regions in Eswatini:

Regions in Eswatini

  1. Hhohho
  2. Lubombo
  3. Manzini
  4. Shiselweni

Quick Facts

Category Quick Facts
Location Southern Africa, bordered by South Africa and Mozambique
Capital Mbabane (Administrative), Lobamba (Royal and Legislative)
Official Languages Siswati (Swazi) and English
Population Approximately 1.2 million as of 2021 estimate
Area Approximately 17,364 square kilometers (6,704 square miles)
Geography Landlocked with varied landscapes including mountains and savannas
Independence From the United Kingdom on September 6, 1968
Government Absolute monarchy
Currency Swazi lilangeni (SZL) and South African rand (ZAR)
Notable Places Ezulwini Valley, Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, Manzini Market
Official Website
Eswatini map and flag
Eswatini map and flag


What is the biggest region in Eswatini?

In Eswatini, the biggest region by land area is the Hhohho Region. It is located in the northwest part of the country and covers an area of approximately 3,625 square kilometers (1,400 square miles). The Hhohho Region is home to the capital city, Mbabane, as well as other towns and communities such as Piggs Peak and Lobamba. It is known for its scenic landscapes, including mountains, valleys, and forests.

Geographic regions of Swaziland? (What are the 4 regions of Eswatini?)

Eswatini has four administrative regions. These regions are:

  • Hhohho Region: It is home to the capital city, Mbabane, and other towns such as Piggs Peak and Lobamba.
  • Manzini Region: Manzini is the most populated region in the country. Other towns in this region include Ezulwini and Malkerns.
  • Lubombo Region: It is home to towns such as Siteki and Mhlume.
  • Shiselweni Region: Major towns in this region include Nhlangano and Hlathikhulu.

What are the physiographic regions of Eswatini?

Eswatini can be divided into three main physiographic regions based on its topography and geography:

  • The Highveld
  • The Middleveld
  • The Lowveld

See also: