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100 Prayer Points for Breakthrough With Bible Verses

100 Prayer Points for Breakthrough with Bible Verses.

During those moments when you feel weighed down by the issues of life and are in desperate need of a miracle from your Heavenly Father, it is very much advisable to use bible verses, as well as specific prayer requests while praying for success.

Prayer Points for Financial Breakthroughs

Prayer Points for Financial Breakthroughs
Prayer Points for Financial Breakthroughs
  • Oh God my Father, grant me the anointing for ideas that will bring in financial breakthrough right away in Jesus name. Exodus 35:35.

  • In the name of Jesus, oh my Father, I ask that people from all lands, tribes and tongues unite to bless me. Luke 2:52

  • Oh Heavenly Father I ask that you show up in my life and change my finances for the better in Jesus name. Proverbs 10:22.

  • Heavenly Father I ask that you give me people who will provide me with information that will forward the cause of my destiny. Proverbs 23:20-21.

  • Oh Heavenly Father, save me from fruitless labor in Jesus name. Psalm 119:45.

  • I pray that anyone who looks to me for assistance this year will not be let down. I will have plenty to meet my needs as well as help others who are on need in Jesus name. Proverbs 19:17.

  • In the name of Jesus, I receive the grace to benefit from wealth that will last throughout my life. Philippians 4:19.

  • I won’t throw away my seed. I pray for divine guidance to sow my seed on good ground in Jesus name. Psalms 25:4-5.

  • In the name of Jesus, starting today, all of my investments and labor put in since the start of my career and ministry will begin to pay off fully. Ecclesiastes 11:1-6.

  • I am free from the bonds of fear and doubt that my past failures have imposed on my life in Jesus name. Isaiah 41:10.

  • I release the blood of Jesus to restore the framework of my money in Jesus name. Job 42:10.

  • I renounce the spirit of debt and service that has been at work in my life in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 15:1.

  • God will remember all my past kindnesses. I pray that God will use my past charity to turn around every impossible situation in my life in Jesus name. Ephesians 4:32.

  • Just like the famine in the days of Joseph lifted him, assist me to perceive the opportunities that the current global financial issues are bringing for my success in Jesus name. Galatians 6:10.

  • Oh Lord, grant me the mental aptitude I need to accurately assess every opportunity that presents itself and to make the most of it in Jesus name. Psalm 94:19.

  • In the name of Jesus, I free my finances from the sway, command and reign of domestic immorality. Romans 8:2.

  • May the angels of financial breakthroughs intervene in my financial life in the mighty name of Jesus. Matthew 7: 7.

  • I pray that the Lord shall teach my hands to prosper beyond measure in the name of Jesus. 1 Kings 2:3.

  • I demand the financial devourer spirit to perish in Jesus name. Ezekiel 3:19.

  • I shall not only have tremendous money, but also a great name in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 22:1.

  • In the name of Jesus, may the prophetic force that was at work in the valley of dry bones help me find my lost glory. 1 Peter 1:3.

  • The Lord will send me a measure of prosperity that will obliterate all of my previous experiences with poverty in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 8:18.

  • In the name of Jesus, I will not struggle to come up with ideas to expand my business. Ephesians 2:10.

  • Oh Lord, erect a wall of fire around my harvest to protect it from demonic devourers in the name of Jesus. Psalm 23:4.

  • I regain all of my lost blessings by the mercy of the Almighty in Jesus name. Jeremiah 30:17.

Prayer Points for Spiritual Breakthroughs

Prayer Points for Spiritual Breakthroughs
Prayer Points for Spiritual Breakthroughs
  • Oh Lord, I appreciate that I can hear you when you speak to me. I have faith that you will soon show me how you intend for my life to change. I am glad because you are a loving and omnipresent God. Ephesians 6:12

  • Father, help me to bestrong during this time so I can continue to live virtuously before you. Psalm 59:9, 16 and 17.

  • Lord help me to put my faith in you and to follow your leading in every aspect of my life. Mark 11:22-23.

  • Oh Lord, when I am tempted by my pride and ego, please help me to follow your instructions. Psalm 75:4.

  • Father, I appreciate that you have chosen me to live in your righteousness. I appreciate how you have prepared nice things for me on the future and guided me to success. Psalm 9:1.

  • I am grateful to you Father, that I am aware of the devil’s tricks. I am grateful that despite my suffering, I won’t sin against you. Romans 6:23.

  • Lord, I am aware that these circumstances are bolstering my faith. I am grateful that I’ll be perfect and complete at the end of this.  Matthew 21:22.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command the end of every spiritual irregularity in my life. Matthew 6:34.

  • In the name of Jesus, o formally order the removal of every obstacle to my breakthrough.  Romans 5:3-5.

  • I command that any gap in my spiritual life through which my enemies are harassing me be sealed up permanently in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 16:3.

  • In the name of Jesus, I declare that my life will be filled with testimonies of breakthroughs. Revelation 12:1-12.

  • I command every demonic chain preventing my breakthrough to be returned to their sources. Psalms 2:3.

  • Oh Lord, open my spiritual eyes and ears in Jesus name. Proverbs 20:12.

  • I bind every force responsible for any sort of backwardness in my life in the name of Jesus. John 8:36.

  • In the name of Jesus, I return to sender any negative statement made about my life and my future. Romans 12:21.

  • In the name of Jesus, I cast out every curse that stands in the way of my breakthrough. Galatians 3:13.

  • I dispel every plan of the devil to harm my life in the name of Jesus. Psalm 140:1

  • I crush all oppositional forces opposing my breakthrough in Jesus name. Psalms 35:1-25

  • I stand against every Jericho wall that stands in the way of my breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Joshua 6:1–27.

  • I come against the spirit of delays in Jesus name.  Proverbs 13:12.

  • I destroy every satanic obstruction to my victory in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 57:14.

  • I declare that nothing the devil can do will prevent me from succeeding in life in Jesus name. Proverbs 16:3.

  • I decree that I am of sound mind and will prosper in life in the name of Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:7.

  • I pray to always be the leader in my life and not the follower. Deuteronomy 28:13.

  • I pray that the spirit of wisdom is at work within me in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 16:16.

Prayer Points for Emotional Breakthroughs

Prayer Points for Emotional Breakthroughs
Prayer Points for Emotional Breakthroughs
  • In the name of Jesus, I ask the Lord, who is aware of all the issues and challenges that concern my heart, to have pity on me and grant me solutions to these issues. Romans 9:15.

  • Lord, I pray for success in my academics. In the name of Jesus, let me continue to succeed in all of my academic activities.  James 1:5.

  • I declare victory for my children today in Jesus name over whatever spiritual conflicts the devil is waging against them in the spiritual world and in their dreams. Psalms 115:14.

  • In Jesus’ name, I command that from this point forward, every area of my life that needs to be revived will experience breakthrough. Joel 2:28-32.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command that every spiritual weakness that the adversary has sown into my life be removed. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

  • Any demonic power that is seeking to welcome sickness into my life in any shape or form, I rebuke it and breakthrough from any negative influence in Jesus’ name. Jeremiah 33:6.

  • I rebuke you now in the name of Jesus for any demonic possessions that are taking up residence in my family or home. 2 Corinthians 10:1.

  • I get victories over every spirit that tempts me to make poor choices in life, in the name of Jesus. Psalms 25:4.

  • In the name of Jesus, I am drenched in the holy blood and covered in the blood of Jesus starting today. 1 John 1:7.

  • In the name of Jesus, no wicked weapon formed against me shall prosper. In the name of Jesus, I receive deliverance from whatever negative effects that demonic weapons have had on my life. Isaiah 54:17.

  • In the name of Jesus, I hereby cast out every relapse-causing spirit from my life.  Psalms 18:2-6.

  • In Jesus’ name, my spouse will start to experience spiritual breakthrough wherever they are at the moment.   Luke 5:4-6.

  • Let my family, both nuclear and extended, experience supernatural breakthroughs in every aspect of their lives, O Lord, my father, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 133:1.

  • Lord, grant me the ability to be shielded from harm when I finally experience my breakthrough in the name of Jesus.  Proverbs 18:10.

  • Lord, grant me the grace to get through all the challenges and stumbling blocks on the way to my breakthrough. 2 Corinthians 12:9–10.

  • In the name of Jesus, no hindrance from the world of darkness can stop my breakthrough from happening. Luke 10:17-19.

  • I come against you today in the name of Jesus, every force of the evil ones that does not want me to receive my long-awaited breakthrough from heaven. Ephesians 6:12.

  • In the name of Jesus, all of my good fortune that the devil has sucked up will be thrown back to me. Philippians 4:19.

  • In the name of Jesus, I receive supernatural deliverance from all famines and evil/dark forces. Isaiah 43:19.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command you to cast out every demon that is trying to ruin my life. Mark 5:8.

  • Lord, in the name of Jesus, grant me the beginning of spiritual liberty.  Galatians 5:1.

  • O Lord, my God, you are the creator of all in the universe and possess all power. In the name of Jesus, let my body and all inside it start to experience divine breakthrough and anointing. Luke 10:19.

  • In the name of Jesus, my children will experience heavenly breakthrough wherever they may be in worldwide. Isaiah 60:1.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command that all the dead parts of my life will come to life. In the name of Jesus, my life will serve as a witness to God’s extraordinary breakthrough intervention. 1 Corinthians 15: 42-45.

  • I free myself from the grasp of every destiny blocker that does not want me to advance in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 49:25.

Prayer Points for Breakthrough of the Fruit of the Womb

Prayer Points for Breakthrough of the Fruit of the Womb
Prayer Points for Breakthrough of the Fruit of the Womb
  • In the name of Jesus, oh Lord my Father, honor your command over my life and grant me womb-born children. Leviticus 26:9

  • In the name of Jesus, I receive the ability to produce fruit this year. Psalm 128:3.

  • In the name of Jesus, I declare that the fruit of the womb is a good gift from God and that it is now my reality. James 1:17.

  • In the name of Jesus, I command I will carry my child to full term and have a healthy delivery. Ecclesiastes 3:14.

  • In the name of Jesus, the fruit of the womb is my testimony. Philippians 4:13.

  • In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of fear and anxiety that is preventing me from getting pregnant.  Psalm 56:3.

  • In the name of Jesus, I am productive and they will not brand me barren. Exodus 23:26.

  • In the name of Jesus, let every demonic voice that opposes my conception perish in flames. Psalm 112:7.

  • In the name of Jesus, I accept the reward of productivity and I reject physical infirmity.  2 Chronicles 15:7.

  • In the name of Jesus, I am blessed with the fruits of the womb because I am identified with Christ. Isaiah 65:23.

  • In the name of Jesus, I receive strength to endure while I wait. Isaiah 40:29.

  • In the name of Jesus, I shall give a testimony on fruits of the womb through the authority in Jesus’ blood. 1 Samuel 1:27.

  • In the name of Jesus, I declare that His grace is sufficient for me to resolve all of my issues.  2 Chronicles 12:9.

  • In the name of Jesus, I shall be rescued when I have children, with nothing being lost or broken.  1 Timothy 2:15.

  • In the name of Jesus, I accept your plan for my life in relation to the progeny.  Jeremiah 1:5.

  • I shall celebrate the Lord’s salvation in the name of Jesus, regardless of how long I have to wait for the fruits of the womb. Habakkuk 3:18.

  • In the name of Jesus, I receive the power of the living God and I get over the waiting period for womb fruits. Exodus 15:2.

  • Thank you, Jesus, for ensuring that I won’t face ridicule for having children in his name. Psalm 18:6.

  • In the name of Jesus, I ask that every obstacle preventing me from becoming pregnant be removed.  Zechariah 4:7.

  • I put my faith in You in the name of Jesus, and I receive from You peace that is beyond all comprehension. Isaiah 26:3.

  • Oh Lord, You give me courage and honor so that I might delight in the future in the name of Jesus.  Proverbs 31:25.

  • In the name of Jesus, I ask that every medical issue that the doctors have determined to be impossible regarding my ability to have children be changed. Luke 1:37.

  • Oh Lord, in the name of Jesus, please think of me today as you thought of Hannah. 1 Samuel 2:21.

  • In the name of Jesus, my father will make up all the years I’ve lost and wipe away my tears.  Joel 2:25.

  • In the name of Jesus, may all my detractors be brought to justice. Isaiah 29:20.

100 Prayer Points for Breakthrough With Bible Verses
100 Prayer Points for Breakthrough With Bible Verses

100 Prayer Points for Breakthrough with Bible Verses” is a comprehensive collection of prayers and Bible verses aimed at seeking breakthroughs in various aspects of life. The prayers cover financial breakthroughs, spiritual breakthroughs, emotional breakthroughs, and breakthroughs in the fruit of the womb. There are specific Bible verses that serve as inspiration and direction for each prayer point.

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The prayers emphasize the importance of seeking God’s intervention and guidance during challenging times, trusting in His promises, and rebuking any negative forces hindering progress. The verses cited reinforce the belief in God’s power to bring about positive changes in life and express gratitude for His love and provision.

Overall, the prayer points and Bible verses encourage individuals to seek divine assistance and have faith in God’s ability to provide breakthroughs in different areas of their lives.

Ed Nikola
Ed Nikola
Ed Nikola is an experienced writer who excels in both technical and creative writing. He holds the position of Chief Editor at Triple Cross Communication Ltd. Since 2016, he has served as a content creator and chief editor at EditorialTimes. Ed Nikola, a dynamic individual, consistently demonstrates professionalism in all his endeavors.

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