Cities, Towns, Communities and Places in Buffalo County, Nebraska

List of All Cities, Towns, Communities and Places in Buffalo County, Nebraska

Buffalo County is located in the state of Nebraska, USA. It is situated in the south-central part of the state.


  • Kearney (County Seat)


  • Amherst
  • Elm Creek
  • Gibbon
  • Pleasanton
  • Ravenna


  • Riverdale
  • Shelton

 Places Places in Buffalo County, Nebraska

  • Fort Kearny State Historical Park
  • Yanney Heritage Park
  • Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA)

Quick Facts about Buffalo County, Nebraska

  • Location: Buffalo County is located in the state of Nebraska, USA.
  • County Seat: Kearney
  • Population: As of the 2020 census, the population of Buffalo County was approximately [Population].
  • Area: Buffalo County has a total area of about [Area] square miles.
  • Official Website:


What is the main industry in Buffalo County?

Agriculture, healthcare, and education are significant industries in Buffalo County.

Are there recreational opportunities in Buffalo County?

Yes, residents and visitors can enjoy parks, museums, and outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing.

Is Kearney the largest city in Buffalo County?

Yes, Kearney is the largest city and serves as the county seat of Buffalo County.

What is notable about Fort Kearny State Historical Park?

Fort Kearny State Historical Park preserves a historic outpost on the Oregon Trail, providing insight into Nebraska’s pioneer history.

Are there educational institutions in Buffalo County?

Yes, Kearney is home to the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) and other educational facilities.

What cultural attractions are there in Buffalo County?

Cultural attractions include the Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA) and events at Yanney Heritage Park.

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