Cities, Towns & Places in Big Stone County, Minnesota

List of All Cities, Towns, and Communities in Big Stone County, Minnesota

Big Stone County is situated in the state of Minnesota, United States. It is located in the western part of Minnesota. The county seat of Big Stone County is Ortonville


  • Beardsley
  • Clinton
  • Graceville
  • Johnson


Towns are not established in Big Stone County.


  • Artichoke
  • Barry
  • Ortonville (Partially in Big Stone County)
  • Foster
  • Odessa


Quick Facts about Big Stone County, Minnesota:

  • County Seat: Ortonville
  • Established: February 20, 1862
  • Named For: Big Stone Lake
  • Total Area: Approximately 528 square miles
  • Population (2020 Census): Approximately 4,935
  • Official Website:

Which city serves as the county seat of Big Stone County?

Ortonville is the county seat of Big Stone County.

How many cities are there in Big Stone County?

Big Stone County comprises four cities: Beardsley, Clinton, Graceville, and Johnson.

Are there any established towns within Big Stone County?

Towns are not established in Big Stone County.

What communities are present in Big Stone County?

Big Stone County includes several unincorporated communities. They are  Artichoke, Barry, Foster, and others.

What is Big Stone County named after?

Big Stone County is named after Big Stone Lake. This Lake is a prominent feature in the area.


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