Cities, Towns & Communities in Pike County, Indiana

Here is a complete list of cities, towns and communities in Pike County Indiana


There are no incorporated cities within Pike County.


  • Petersburg
  • Winslow
  • Otwell (partly in Dubois County)

Unincorporated Communities

  • Algiers
  • Arthur
  • Ashby Yards
  • Ayrshire
  • Bowman
  • Francisco
  • Glezen
  • Muren
  • Spurgeon
  • Velpen

Quick Facts

  • Location: Pike County is located in the southwest part of the state of Indiana.
  • County Seat: The county seat of Pike County is Petersburg.
  • Population: As of the last available data, Pike County had an estimated population of around 12,000 residents.
  • Area: The county covers an area of approximately 341 square miles (883 square kilometers).
  • Geography: Pike County features rural landscapes, farmlands, forests, and rolling hills. It is situated within a region known for its coal mining history.
  • Notable Places: Some notable places in Pike County include the Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area, Pike State Forest, and historic sites related to the county’s coal mining heritage.
  • Economy: Agriculture, manufacturing, and mining have historically been significant contributors to Pike County’s economy, particularly in the coal mining sector.
  • Education: The county is served by its public school districts, providing education to students in the area.
  • History: Pike County has a history tied to its early settlement, agricultural heritage, and the prominence of the coal mining industry in the region.
  • Official Website:

What is Pike County Indiana famous for?

  • Coal Mining Heritage: The county has a historical association with coal mining, which significantly impacted its economy and development. Pike County’s coal mining history is an integral part of its cultural heritage.
  • Natural Attractions: The Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area, along with Pike State Forest, offer scenic beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and wildlife viewing, attracting nature enthusiasts.
  • Rural Landscapes: The county is known for its rural landscapes, characterized by farmlands, rolling hills, and forests, offering a tranquil setting away from urban areas.
  • Historical Sites: Pike County preserves historical sites related to its coal mining past and early settlement, reflecting its heritage and contributing to its historical significance.

How big is Pike County Indiana?

Pike County in Indiana covers an area of approximately 341 square miles (883 square kilometers).

What is the largest town in Pike County Indiana?

The largest town in Pike County, Indiana, is Petersburg, which also serves as the county seat.

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