Cities, Towns & Communities in Newton County Indiana

Here is a complete list of cities, towns and communities in Newton County, Indiana


There are no cities within Newton County.


  • Brook
  • Goodland
  • Kentland
  • Morocco

Unincorporated Communities

  • Ade
  • Beaver City
  • Conrad
  • Enos
  • Pembroke
  • Roselawn
  • Thayer

Quick Facts

  • Location: Newton County is located in the northwest part of the state of Indiana.
  • County Seat: The county seat of Newton County is Kentland.
  • Population: As of the last available data, Newton County had an estimated population of around 14,000 residents.
  • Area: The county covers an area of approximately 403 square miles (1,044 square kilometers).
  • Geography: Newton County features a blend of rural landscapes, farmlands, and small towns. The Kankakee River flows through the county, offering recreational opportunities.
  • Notable Places: Some notable places in Newton County include the Fair Oaks Farms, a popular agri-tourism destination showcasing modern farming practices, and the Kankakee Sands restoration project.
  • Economy: Agriculture, manufacturing, and small businesses are significant contributors to Newton County’s economy. Agriculture, especially dairy farming, plays a crucial role.
  • Education: The county is served by its public school districts, providing education to students in the area.
  • History: Newton County has a history tied to its early settlement, agricultural development, and its location along the Kankakee River.
  • Official Website:

What is Newton County Indiana famous for?

  • Fair Oaks Farms: This agri-tourism destination in Newton County is renowned for its innovative approach to showcasing modern farming practices. It offers educational tours, interactive exhibits, and experiences related to agriculture and dairy farming.
  • Kankakee Sands: Newton County is home to the Kankakee Sands restoration project, a significant conservation effort aiming to restore native habitats, including prairies and wetlands, attracting nature enthusiasts and supporting biodiversity.
  • Rural Landscape: The county is characterized by its rural landscapes, farmlands, and small-town charm, representing a quieter lifestyle away from urban areas.
  • Kankakee River: The Kankakee River, flowing through Newton County, offers recreational opportunities such as fishing, boating, and hiking along its scenic banks.
  • Agricultural Heritage: Agriculture, particularly dairy farming, plays a vital role in Newton County’s economy and cultural identity, contributing to its reputation within the state.

How big is Newton County Indiana?

Newton County in Indiana covers an area of approximately 403 square miles (1,044 square kilometers).

What is the largest town in Newton County Indiana?

The largest town in Newton County, Indiana, is Kentland, which also serves as the county seat.

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