Cities, Towns and Places in Dodge County, Minnesota

List of All Cities, Towns, Communities and Places in Dodge County, Minnesota

Dodge County is located in the southeastern part of the state of Minnesota, United States. It’s situated in a region known for its rural landscapes, agriculture, and small communities


  • Dodge Center
  • Kasson
  • Mantorville


None specifically classified as towns in Dodge County.


  • West Concord
  • Claremont

Quick Facts about Dodge County, Minnesota

  • Location: Located in the southeastern part of Minnesota.
  • County Seat: Mantorville
  • Population: As of the last census in 2020, the estimated population was around 20,000.
  • Economy: Primarily based on agriculture, manufacturing, and some retail sectors.
  • Education: Home to several public schools and educational institutions.
  • Official Website:

What are the primary industries driving Dodge County’s economy?

Agriculture, manufacturing, and some retail sectors contribute significantly to the local economy.

Does Dodge County have any notable historical sites or museums?

Yes, Mantorville hosts historical sites and museums showcasing the area’s history.

Are there recreational opportunities available in Dodge County?

Yes, residents and visitors can enjoy parks, trails, and recreational facilities for various outdoor activities.

Is public transportation available within Dodge County?

Public transportation options might be limited, but neighboring areas may offer transit services.

Are there any annual events or festivals held in Dodge County?

Dodge County hosts various community events and fairs throughout the year, celebrating local culture and traditions.

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