Cities and Towns in Shelby County, Indiana

Here is a complete list of Cities, and Towns in Shelby County Indiana


  • Shelbyville


  • Edinburgh
  • Morristown
  • St. Paul


  • Bengal
  • Blue Ridge
  • Boggstown
  • Fairland
  • Flat Rock
  • Gwynneville
  • Marietta
  • Meltzer
  • Smithland
  • Waldron

Quick Facts

  • Location: Shelby County is situated in the central part of the state of Indiana.
  • County Seat: The county seat of Shelby County is Shelbyville.
  • Population: As of the last available data, Shelby County had an estimated population of around 45,000 residents.
  • Area: The county covers an area of approximately 412 square miles (1,067 square kilometers).
  • Geography: Shelby County features a mix of rural landscapes, farmlands, woodlands, and the Big Blue River, contributing to its natural beauty and providing opportunities for outdoor activities.
  • Notable Places: Some notable places in Shelby County include Indiana Grand Racing & Casino, Grover Museum, and historical sites reflecting its heritage.
  • Economy: Agriculture, manufacturing, and small businesses are significant contributors to Shelby County’s economy. The area benefits from its agricultural resources and historical attractions.
  • Education: The county is served by its public school districts, providing education to students in the area.
  • History: Shelby County has a history tied to its early settlement, agricultural roots, and contributions to the region’s development.
  • Official Website:

What is Shelby County Indiana famous for?

  • Indiana Grand Racing & Casino: The county is home to Indiana Grand Racing & Casino, a significant entertainment venue attracting visitors for gaming, dining, and entertainment experiences.
  • Grover Museum: Shelby County hosts the Grover Museum, showcasing exhibits and artifacts that reflect its history, culture, and heritage.
  • Agricultural Legacy: Agriculture plays a significant role in Shelby County’s economy and cultural identity, with farmlands and agricultural activities contributing to its rural charm.
  • Rural Landscapes: The county boasts scenic rural landscapes, including farmlands, woodlands, and the Big Blue River, offering natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities.
  • Shelbyville: The city of Shelbyville, serving as the county seat, holds historical significance and cultural elements, contributing to the county’s heritage.

How big is Shelby County Indiana?

Shelby County in Indiana covers an area of approximately 412 square miles (1,067 square kilometers).

What is the largest town in Shelby County Indiana?

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