Cities and Towns in Greene County, Alabama

List of All Cities and Towns in Greene County, Alabama.

Cities and Towns in Greene County, Alabama. There are a few towns in Greene County. Greene County is located in the western part of Alabama, United States. It is situated in the western region of Alabama.


None are listed, though there are a few towns in Greene County.

Towns in Greene County

  • Eutaw (County Seat)
  • Forkland
  • Union


  • Boligee
  • Clinton
  • Mantua
  • Knoxville
  • Jena

Quick Facts about Towns in Greene County, Alabama

  • County Seat: Eutaw
  • Established: December 13, 1819
  • Named After: Nathanael Greene, a Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.
  • Area: Approximately 647 square miles
  • Population (2020 Census): Around 7,000 residents
  • Official Website:

Places in within the Towns in Greene County

  • Eutaw
  • Forkland
  • Union
  • Boligee
  • Clinton
  • Mantua
  • Knoxville
  • Jena

Notable Institutions

In towns within the Greene County, notable institutions may include:

  • Greene County Courthouse: Serving as the seat of county government, this institution handles legal proceedings, administrative matters, and public services for the residents of Greene County.
  • Greene County Health System: Providing healthcare services to the community, this institution may include hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities offering medical assistance and wellness programs.
  • Greene County Board of Education: Overseeing the public education system within the county, this institution manages schools, educational programs, and initiatives to support the academic development of students.
  • Greene County Library: Serving as a hub for knowledge and resources, the county library offers access to books, digital resources, educational materials, and community programs.
  • Greene County Sheriff’s Office: Responsible for law enforcement and public safety, this institution works to maintain peace, uphold the law, and ensure the safety of residents within the county.
  • Local Churches and Faith-based Institutions: Houses of worship and faith-based organizations play a vital role in community engagement, providing spiritual guidance, and often offering various outreach programs.
  • Community Centers and Non-Profit Organizations: These institutions focus on community development, social services, and support programs catering to various needs within the county.

These institutions are vital components of Greene County, contributing to its infrastructure, well-being, education, and community cohesion.

Frequently Asked Questions About Towns in Greene County.

What Are the County Seats of Greene County?

The county seat of Greene County is Eutaw.

How Many Cities Are Listed in Greene County?

Greene County does not list any cities within its boundaries.

Are There Specific Towns in Greene County?

Greene County includes three towns: Eutaw (as the county seat), Forkland, and Union.

What Communities Are Recognized in Greene County?

Greene County recognizes several communities, including Boligee, Clinton, Mantua, Knoxville, and Jena.

Are There Designated Districts in Greene County?

There are no specific districts listed for Greene County.

Does Greene County Have Recognized Neighbourhoods?

Greene County does not have any specified neighbourhoods listed.

Are There Any Villages in Greene County?

Greene County does not list any villages within its boundaries.

When Was Greene County Established and What is its Name Origin?

Greene County was established on December 13, 1819. It was named after Nathanael Greene, a Major General in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

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