Cities and Towns in Cascade County, Montana

List of All Cities, Towns, Communities, Villages, and Places in Cascade County, Montana

Cascade County is located in the state of Montana, USA. It is situated in the north-central part of the state. The county seat of Cascade County is Great Falls, which is one of the major cities in the region.


  • Great Falls


  • Belt
  • Cascade
  • Neihart
  • Simms
  • Stockett
  • Sun Prairie
  • Ulm
  • Vaughn


  • Black Eagle
  • Floweree
  • Fort Shaw
  • Malmstrom Air Force Base


  • Sand Coulee

Places in Cascade County, Montana

  • Giant Springs State Park
  • First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park
  • The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center
  • Ryan Dam
  • Ulm Pishkun State Park

Quick Facts about Cascade County, Montana

  • Location: Cascade County is situated in the north-central part of Montana, USA.
  • County Seat: The county seat of Cascade County is Great Falls.
  • Population: 84,511 (2021)
  • Geography: The Missouri River flows through Cascade County, offering scenic landscapes and recreational opportunities.
  • Economy: Cascade County has a diverse economy with sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and military contributing significantly. The presence of Malmstrom Air Force Base also plays a crucial role in the local economy.
  • History: Cascade County has a rich history, with Great Falls serving as a key location in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center preserves and shares this important historical journey.
  • Notable Places:
    • Giant Springs State Park: Home to one of the largest freshwater springs in the world.
    • First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park: A significant archaeological site showcasing Native American history.
    • The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center: Commemorates the Lewis and Clark Expedition and its impact on the region.
    • Ryan Dam: A hydroelectric dam on the Missouri River.
    • Ulm Pishkun State Park: Preserves a prehistoric buffalo jump site.
  • Military Presence: Malmstrom Air Force Base, a strategic missile and nuclear bomber base, is located in Cascade County.
  • Notable People: Cascade County has been home to notable individuals, although specific names may vary over time. Notable people may include pioneers, leaders, and figures from various fields.
  • Official Website:
  • Outdoor Attractions: Cascade County is known for its outdoor attractions, including state parks, wildlife refuges, and recreational areas that attract both residents and visitors.

What is the county seat of Cascade County, Montana? 

The county seat of Cascade County is Great Falls.

What notable parks are located in Cascade County?

Giant Springs State Park, First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, and Ulm Pishkun State Park are notable parks in Cascade County.

Which military installation is situated in Cascade County?

Malmstrom Air Force Base, a strategic missile and nuclear bomber base, is located in Cascade County.

How many towns are there in Cascade County?

Cascade County has eight towns, including Belt, Cascade, Neihart, Simms, Stockett, Sun Prairie, Ulm, and Vaughn.

What river flows through Cascade County?

The Missouri River flows through Cascade County, providing scenic beauty and recreational opportunities.

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